Monday, December 23, 2013

Can You Stand the Rain? The Rain Dance of an Overcomer

"The storms of life are not there to destroy you, allow them to strengthen you."  Dr. Jacquie

Let’s face it, storms are a part of life. Good or bad, young or old, rich or poor—storms are no respecter of persons. It rains on the just and the unjust. The one deciding factor through it all is, how you go through the storm. You have two choices, you can go through the storm murmuring and complaining or you can go through the storm learning life’s lessons that will help you weather future storms. Complaining only makes your storm worse. Imagine being in the midst of your own personal tsunami with no way out and the only thing you can think of is giving up. Every depressing thought that you have ever had will come to mind when you are in the storm.

The distracting thoughts will also arise when you are in the midst of your most devastating storm. Fear, doubt, negativity, unbelief and the like will throw themselves at you when you are in the midst of a storm. The enemy wants to stop you from dancing, singing, smiling and even living. Life becomes a burden with no hope in sight. Remember, life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the midst of the storm and the rain. If you can dance your way through the storm, the storm won’t seem so horrendous because your focus will not be on the storm, but how you got THROUGH THE STORM.
When the Disciples were in the boat, their focus was not on Jesus, their focus was on the storm. When you take your eyes off the Lord, the storm will seem like the most destructive thing you have ever encountered. Try keeping your eyes on the One who can calm every storm in your life? JESUS!

Can you stand the RAIN!!

Excepts from the book: Affirmations from a Woman of Worth:  I Hope You Dance

Monday, December 16, 2013

To All My Sisters: I Hope You Dance!

What started out as a chapter in A WOMAN OF WORTH: LOVING THE SKIN I'M IN has taken on a life of it's own.  The chapter entitled, How Can I Dance When You Are Standing on My Feet?  It was a call to women to learn to dance in the midst of adversity.  The chapter is now a book, Affirmations for a Woman of Worth: I Hope You Dance!  It is a clarion call to DANCE, my sisters, simply DANCE. 

Through all your pains, hurts and afflictions - you made it and it is time to dance.  I pray this book will bless all the women who have not danced, who forgot to dance, who want to dance, who have danced in the rain and those who have found the strength to dance through the pain.  There is strength is our spiritual legs and that strength gives us the ability to dance while we are in torrential rains and personal tsunamis.  When we are able to dance in the midst of the storm, we will appreciate the dance in the still waters of peace.

No one really understands what it takes to dance your way through pain, sorrow, betrayal, sickness, death and the like.  But one thing is for sure that dancing may be the only thing that saves your life.  It may be the only joy you find in the midst of the hell you face each day.

I found my joy in the dance.  The silly girlish giggles gave my heart a reason to smile even when there was nothing to smile about.  Twirling around the floor to the music in my head gave me a sense of normality in the midst of chaos. 

Recalling the dances from my youth gave me a reason to cut a step or two.  Living in the moment of my awkward "funky four corners" made me laugh so hard I felt tears roll down my face.  The biggest laugh came when I did my prolific version of the "Robot" and Michael Jackson's "Moonwalk."

The greatest revelation came when I realized that I could dance.  There was no one standing on my feet.  I was free of the pains of my present circumstances and I was free to dance.  No chains holding me, no pain stalking me, no heavy feet standing on my "moon walking, soul struttin', funky chicken flappin' feet.  I could dance because there was no one on my feet.

The day my feet were free to dance, that was the day that I walked in the newness of my peace, joy and freedom.  The day you ask the world, "How Can I Dance When You Are Standing on My Feet?"  That will be the day when you get everything and everyone OFF your feet and dance.  That's the day you will find your freedom and simply DANCE!  If you have not danced in a while, sisters, I hope you dance.  I did and I have never been the same.

Friday, December 13, 2013

2014 Woman of Worth: Loving the Skin I'm In Conference

On February 28 & March 1, 2014 women from around the Mid-West will gather in Wichita Kansas for the 2014 Woman of Worth: Loving the Skin I'm In Conference. The conference will bring women together from all walks of life in a unique, intimate gathering to generate new ideas, foster personal growth and create lasting relationships. The conference will speak on the importance of health, personal relationships, self esteem and personal growth.

In addition to a round table discussion, attendees can look forward to additional conference sessions covering a wide range of topics with Keynote Speaker Dr. Jacquelyn Brown-Hadnot, author of the Woman of Worth series.

During her Friday night keynote address, "How Can I Dance When You Are Standing on My Feet." Dr. Jacquie will show how hindrances from our past, friends, family and life's choices can stop the flow of God working in our lives and hinder the dance in our hearts. She will discuss what it means to be devalued and the pains of living life with low self-esteem. Dr. Hadnot's Saturday breakout session will address: "Identifying Priorities and Making New Choices."  She will also launch the latest book "Talitha Cumi, Woman Arise!"

To further benefit women and help them move forward in ministry, career options and education, AWOW will offer scholarships in areas such as radio, television, music and publishing.  Woman to Woman: Woman of Worth Awards will also be given to women who have been nominated by friends, family and the community.
The conference will begin Friday, February 28 at 7 pm & Saturday, March 1 at 3:00 p.m. at the BEST WESTERN Wichita North Hotel & Suites 915 E 53rd Street North Wichita, Kansas, 67219-2611, US

The registration fee for the conference is: $15.00.

For more information about the Woman of Worth: Loving the Skin I'm In Conference or to register, visit You can also call, (641) 715-3900 extension: 961954 or email or Bernia Williams Please call (316) 807-3172

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A Gathering of Women of Purpose and Destiny is a outreach ministry of It Is Written Ministries and Woman to Woman Ministries. Our mission to encourage, inspire and motivate women and young girls to walk in victory.
 — with Apostle Jacquie Brown-Hadnot

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

What Kind of Bird Are You?

    There are three (3) kinds of birds:
    A BUZZARD: They eat dead things.
    A CHICKEN: They peck around for things.
    AN EAGLE: They soar in, over and through things.

What kind of bird are you?

    • You are a buzzard if you are still eating off the dead relationships of your past? 
    • You are a buzzard if you are still eating off the bitterness, hurts, abuses from your past.
    • You are a buzzard if you are taking handouts of dead issues from other buzzards.

    • You are a chicken if you are still pecking around after men that disrespected you, cheated on you and in general dogged you out.
    • You are a chicken if you allow people to walk over you, never speak up for yourself and peck around like a chicken when they mistreat you.
    • You are a chicken if you are pecking around waiting for other people to validate who you are.
    • You are a chicken if you are always looking back at your past, calling it “the good ole days” and never making new memories or having new testimonies.
    • You are a chicken if this brochure has offended you because you think I shouldn’t have written it.

    • Eagles fly alone at high altitude and not with sparrows or other small birds. No other bird can get to the height of the eagle. Stay away from sparrows and ravens. Eagles fly with Eagles.
    • Eagles have strong vision. They have the ability to focus on something up to five kilometers away. When an eagle sites his prey, he narrows his focus on it and set out to get it. No matter the obstacles, the eagle will not move his focus from the prey until he grabs it. Have a vision and remain focused no matter what the obstacle and you will succeed.
    • Eagles do not eat dead things. They feed only on fresh prey. Vultures eat dead animals, but eagles will not. Be careful with what you feed your eyes and ears with, especially in movies and on TV. Steer clear of outdated and old information. Always do your research well.
    • Eagles love the storm. When clouds gather, the eagles get excited. The eagle uses the storm’s wind to lift it higher. Once it finds the wind of the storm, the eagles uses the raging storm to lift him above the clouds. This gives the eagle an opportunity to glide and rest its wings. In the meantime, all the other birds hide in the leaves and branches of the trees. We can use the storms of life to rise to greater heights. Achievers relish challenges and use them profitably.           
    (Myles Monroe-7 Principles of an Eagle)

A Woman of Worth: What is a Woman of Worth?

There is something very special about a woman and her worth.  Worth means the value of something.  A woman's worth priceless, it is worth more than money, fortune or fame.  a woman is a rare jewel that is to be treasured because she is fearfully and wonderfully made by the hand of God.

From the beginning, women were fashioned in a way that her value was unmistakable.  She was born from the rib of a man, yet shaped in the image of the invisible God who created her.  She was molded to be strong, yet fragile.  Wise yet gentle. Humorous while at the same time serious.  She was created with the ability to be versatile while maintaining the ability to be flexible in any situation.  She was tailor made by God to do great exploits.  She was endowed with the gifts of love, joy, self-control, peace, patience, gentleness, longsuffering, kindness, goodness and faithfulness.  She reproduces through her children, music, ministry, business, education and more.  In other words, God created women to embody the fullness of the helpmate for man and the Kingdom of God.

Why is it so easy for society to devalue the worth of a woman?  Why is it so easy for a woman to be treated like a second-class citizen?  How can society attempt to reduce a woman's worth to less that the price of a hamburger?  While at the same time relying on her to have all the answers to life's little complexities?  In the workplace, she is often paid less than a man, while being required to do twice as much work.  When a woman is determined, she is labeled aggressive or controlling, while her male counterpart is motivated.  On the other hand, the man is considered forceful and she is labeled with a four or give letter word.

I found myself asking these questions at a time when God began to reveal that I had allowed people and circumstances to devalue me as a person and a woman of God.

I often refer to myself as "A woman after God's own heart."  If that is the case, then how can I be less than fearfully and wonderfully made by the same God who created man?

How is it that I can allow a godless society to define or devalue me?  How can I believe the lies and deceptions of the enemy?  How can I allow anyone or anything to lessen my worth in the sight of Almighty God?  What can society accomplish by devaluing women?

I pray that as I put pen to blog, together we will find the answers to every question that has perplexed us on this sensitive subject.

It is not my intent to man bash, people bash or even church bash.  My intent is to expose one of the most horrendous lies ever perpetrated against women.  What is the lie?  Women are of little or lesser value.

So begins our journey together, a journey to discover a woman's worth or value. I pray that at the end of this book you will find the strength within yourself to address any issues that have plagued you or hindered your purpose and destiny.  I believe that by the time you reach the end of this series, you will know without a doubt that you are a woman of worth.