"The storms of life are not there to destroy you, allow them to strengthen you." Dr. Jacquie
Let’s face it, storms are a part of life. Good or bad, young or old, rich or poor—storms are no respecter of persons. It rains on the just and the unjust. The one deciding factor through it all is, how you go through the storm. You have two choices, you can go through the storm murmuring and complaining or you can go through the storm learning life’s lessons that will help you weather future storms. Complaining only makes your storm worse. Imagine being in the midst of your own personal tsunami with no way out and the only thing you can think of is giving up. Every depressing thought that you have ever had will come to mind when you are in the storm.
The distracting thoughts will also arise when you are in the midst of your most devastating storm. Fear, doubt, negativity, unbelief and the like will throw themselves at you when you are in the midst of a storm. The enemy wants to stop you from dancing, singing, smiling and even living. Life becomes a burden with no hope in sight. Remember, life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the midst of the storm and the rain. If you can dance your way through the storm, the storm won’t seem so horrendous because your focus will not be on the storm, but how you got THROUGH THE STORM.
When the Disciples were in the boat, their focus was not on Jesus, their focus was on the storm. When you take your eyes off the Lord, the storm will seem like the most destructive thing you have ever encountered. Try keeping your eyes on the One who can calm every storm in your life? JESUS!
Can you stand the RAIN!!
Excepts from the book: Affirmations from a Woman of Worth: I Hope You Dance